Azerbaijan International

Spring 2006 (14.1)

"The Gulag Collection: Paintings of the Soviet Penal System" by Former Prisoner Nikolai Getman, Jamestown Foundation: Washington DC (English and Russian), 131 pages, 2001, ISBN 0 - 9675009 - 2 - 3.  To purchase copies, contact Kristi Marks, Book Publications Coordinator: Tel: (202) 483 - 8888.

"The Gulag Collection: Paintings of the Soviet Penal System" by Former Prisoner Nikolai Getman, Jamestown Foundation: Washington DC (English and Russian), 131 pages, 2001, ISBN 0 - 9675009 - 2 - 3.
To purchase copies, contact Kristi Marks, Book Publications Coordinator: Tel: (202) 483 - 8888.

Visit their Web site: Price: $9.95 (Editor: Highly recommended. Very thought - provoking paintings at a remarkable price!).

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