Azerbaijan International

Autumn 2003 (11.3)
Page 21

Empires Always Collapse

"As you study history, you understand that no empire can last forever. It becomes bigger and bigger until one day, it explodes. I had hoped that that would happen to the Soviet Union one day, but I wasn't sure that I would live to witness it myself.

We writers faced so many difficulties. We couldn't write what we wanted to. We had to write what they dictated. Why couldn't our historians show the true history of this nation? Simply because Moscow wouldn't allow it. Literature was in the same position. Even now, most people don't understand the reality of that socialist system. The fear of telling the truth made you into a liar."

The late Aziza Jafarzade (1921 to September 3, 2003)
discussing her life and times in an interview with Azerbaijan International (Betty Blair and Jala Garibova in July 2002).

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